Monday, January 9, 2017

Matthew N.

Family Time

Matthew N

“Children are the keys to Paradise” - Eric Hoffer.  According to "5 reasons why family time rocks", families who share everyday activities together as well as share vacations or daily excursions as a group form strong, emotional ties. Additionally, a study published in the journal, Family Relations, found that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family. So, share your favorite hobbies, sports, books, movies or other favorite activities and build strong family ties for life.

“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.”- George Bernard. Studies have shown that eating meals together helps reinforce communication. They say to choose a few nights during the week when you expect everyone to gather around the dinner table. Don't allow cell phones or other electronics that can interfere with them and dinner (Whitner).

“The family is one of nature's masterpieces.”-George Santayana. Sometimes your family dosen't want anything to do with family bonding time. But there are some ways you can spend time in a fun way. Like playing outside, playing a board game, hiking, camping, and maybe planting a garden. When you play board games try to pick one that has teams. For hiking try to have a little race. For gardening try to pick out roles (Hoyt).

Some think that people don't have enough time to spend with their family, but what about the weekends? You might say, I have to work or some other excuse. But you can find some time to bond with your family, like during dinner or before bed. Spending time with your family isn't as hard as you think it is.

In other words, people should spend more time with their families. Find some time to communicate and make a plan. Try to aim for at least 2 hours a day so that you can at least have a bond with someone.

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