Electronics Are Needed
By Rusty K.
80% of people in America have electronics. Every child should have an electronic device. Studies have shown that electronics can help people with their homework. They can help people be safe and they can even help people be more social.
Electronics are needed, they can help us stay safe. Electronics can help us stay safe because they give us the ability to make long distance calls and we can call people if we need help. They can also give us the weather report, like the tempterature on a certain day, or if there are flash flood alerts, storm, or tsunami. “With electronics you will know what is going on and then you can further prepare yourself” (American academy of pedestrian).
Devices are important. they can help us in our homework. “We think children benefit from electronics because they get instant responses” (Jim Sears). If you have questions about homework you can email your teacher or classmate. If you need more help, you can search it up online. There are many different ways to use apps to get homework and learn. For example, there is Edmodo, Google Drive, email and google Classroom.
Children need electronics because it can help them be more social. This is because there are sites that you can access that can let you communicate with people. Some examples include Twitter, Snap Chat and Facebook. Kids just need to remember to use their devices wisely. Devices can help people be more social because they can easily find others with similar interests.
Some people claim that electronics rot your brain, but “technology can only rot your brain when your consistently on it 24/7” (American Academy of Pediatricians). That is why it's important to learn to balance time on electronics with outside time. So, electronics won’t really turn us into mindless zombies.
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