Monday, January 9, 2017

Anela A.

More Family Fun Time! by Anela A.

“ Most families spend just 8 hours a week as a family on average. Weekends are the best, with just 2 hours and 20 minutes dedicated to family each day.  During the week the number of time shrinks to just 36 minutes on average each day” (Mccann). Families should have more time to spend together.  Families are always too busy to spend time with each other, and they are always on electronics of some sort.  Because of this, family members miss out on what is going on in each other's lives. For example, one could be stressed, sad, mad and so on.  Additionally, your child or children won’t do as good with their own children later on because they will have learned these habits.
Who has too many things to do every day?  Your children probably need your help when you are too busy or aren’t home.  In the article Why Family Time Is Important and How to Spend More Time Together, it says, “Fathers and mothers that are able to spend time with their children in an academic way have been shown to promote academic success to children according to recent studies.”  You and your family need to spend more time together.  Family members may miss out on each other’s lives.
Family time not only helps your children, but it helps others too.  In fact, an article called “Making work+family work, makes good business sense”, shows that “about 40% of your staff you work with will have some kind of caring of family, or family duty.  Help them make work+family work and they will be some of the most engaged, productive, and loyal members of your team. You win they win.”  Families are always too busy to spend time together.  When people make more time for one another at home then work and family will thrive.  You need to spend time not just working, but with your family as well.
Family time is good for all of us.  This is because  it helps us with relationships.  According to “No time for the family? You are not alone:", parents and children spend less than an hour with each other every day because of modern demands.” Furthermore it says that, “ Most families spend just 8 hours a week as a family on average. Weekends are the best with just 2 hours and 20 minutes dedicated to family each day.  During the week the number of time shrinks to just 36 minutes on average each day.” This can be fixed by spending time with your family. 
Some people may say that they already spend enough time together as a family, or they are too busy. However, there are ways to squeeze it into your schedule. For example, you could eat dinner as a family, play games outside, play board games on the weekend, or even watch a movie as a family. You just have to try to be a part of your family member’s lives. Spending time with your family is fun and enjoyable.

If people don’t spend time as a family they won’t be as happy when they are together. Spending time together as a family will be better for you and your loved ones.  It will also improve your children’s education. It will help improve you and your children’s mental health. Family fun time is awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this because I usually donʻt spend enough time with my family and then we arenʻt happy
