Everyone Needs to Help
By: Apoleihikiula C.
The second oldest asked her brother to calm down. Just as she finishes her sentence, he takes off running and screaming down the hallway. Then, something goes zooming past her head. Her brother flew a toy at her head. It's better to have more than one person watching children. When there are more people watching kids, it's easier to watch them. Having to watch kids by yourself is hard. Kids will enjoy each other more if there are more kids helping.
It's easier to watch kids when there are more people helping to watch. For example, little kids don't like to listen. It's hard to watch rotten kids by yourself. When you watch one kid, and then someone else is watching the other kid, they tend to listen because they get more attention. And little kids love attention (Hartwell-Walker).
When you watch kids by yourself it gets hard and stressful. Sometimes you might even picture yourself throwing something across the room like a football. Trying to keep your eyes on all of the kids you are watching is hard, and kids get into everything. For example, you might need to take one to the bathroom and the other one wants to play outside. This is why it's important to have more than one person watching children. According to Family and Children Services, younger kids should always be watched (“Guidelines for Supervising Children”). One person can't do this without losing control.
It's more fun when there are more people helping to watch kids because then you can play outside with the kids, and then they won't be so bored and want to make trouble. It's also more fun and easier when there are more people watching because you can spend time with them and not want to throw them like a football. That's why it's easier and more fun to have more people helping to watch kids.
People claim that it's better to watch kids by yourself because you spend more time with them. However, watching kids with other people is better because it's easier and less stressful.
When people are overwhelmed it's important that we listen. Watching several children without help can be dangerous, difficult, and stressful. That's why it's better to have more people watching children.
Hi Apolei, you are an excellent writer! I love how you put different situations in each paragraph, and you made sure not to drift of from the topic.